Entomological Component

To determine a baseline for monitoring the release of super-sterile males.
To develop and release super-sterile male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
To monitor and evaluate the vector birth control intervention.
Entomological baseline data collection
Abundance data of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in households and their egg hatch rates will be collected from both treatment and control clusters. The data could be used to inform strategies for releasing sterile mosquitoes in the future.
- Mosquito abundance will be determined using an adult mosquito trap, which will be left in houses for one week on a monthly basis before they are collected and the mosquito species are identified.
- The egg hatch rate will be determined using ovitraps, which will be left in houses for one week on a monthly basis. The collected eggs will be counted and hatched in water after 2–3 days and the number of eggs hatched will be determined.
Planning the development and release of super-sterile male mosquitoes
An innovative birth control tool for Ae. aegypti mosquito vectors was developed using a two-step sterilization approach using the sterile insect technique and infection with Wolbachia bacteria. Based on findings from the pilot study, a plan is being developed to produce super-sterile male mosquitoes at a mass-rearing facility and release them in selected treatment clusters at the selected study sites. This project is still in its planning stage and requires approval by several stakeholders before implementation.
Planning the monitoring and evaluation of mosquitoes
Plans for monitoring and evaluating the number of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes include using adult mosquito traps, portable vacuum aspirators and ovitraps to collect mosquitoes and eggs. Adult mosquitoes will be counted and identified by species, and the number of eggs laid in each ovitrap will be counted and the egg hatch rate will be determined. Reductions in the number of Ae. aegypti mosquito populations and in the egg hatch rate will be used to evaluate the success of project.
Key findings
Updates will be provided as they become available.