Research Sites
The research sites
This research project is being conducted at the local Malaria Programme of Suriname facilities, located in Albina, Antonio do Brinco, Ronaldo and Peruano sites, and Paramaribo.

The facility in Albina is located in a resting site for gold miners who work on the border river, or in mining areas in French Guiana.
Paramaribo is the capital city of Suriname. Here, a Malaria programme clinic (TropClinic) provides low-threshold* treatment, targeting mobile migrant populations coming from both Surinamese and French mining areas.
Antonio do Brinco, Ronaldo and Peruano
In the Antonio do Brinco, Ronaldo and Peruano sites, gold miners and their service providers from French Guiana acquire necessary equipment and trade gold.
*Low-threshold clinics offer health services while making minimal demands on the patient. This offers a more approachable environment for at risk populations like illegal migrants.