Research Sites

The research sites
Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia is located on the central lowlands of the Mekong River. It has a total population of 126,400. Kampong Cham was selected because it has one of the highest dengue incidence rates in Cambodia: 1.6 cases per 1000 people. Its environmental characteristics are also similar to other highly dengue-endemic areas of Cambodia.
Villages were selected from two districts in Kampong Cham: Kampong Siem and Prey Chhor. The villages are typical of many Cambodia communities because they have similar socio-economic contexts, including rice paddy farmers, an abundance of water storage jars and proliferation of Aedes aegypti breeding in most households.
Prey Chhor and Kampong Slem were selected to be the study sites because villagers there already had guppy fish farms, the dengue clinical burden is high, and entomological, Communication for Behavioural Impact (COMBI) and social science data about the site are available from previous surveys.