Research Sites

The project is located in four villages with an Annual Parasitological Index greater than 10, in two different riverine areas in the Mazán District of Loreto Department. Salvador and Urco Miraño are located along the Napo River; Libertad and Visto Bueno are located along the Mazán River. Malaria in this district has an unstable epidemiological pattern and seasonal behaviour, with a peak between May and August, unlike other nearby areas where the peak of transmission takes place between March and June. This area has been defined as a hotspot of disease transmission, and is associated with human activities.
This project is located in the town of Mâncio Lima in Juruá Valley. The main local malaria vector is the highly anthropophilic and mostly exophilic Anopheles darling; however, An. albitarsis s.l. larvae are also abundant in both natural and man-made water bodies across the town (Reis et al., 2015).

Orthomosaics for Salvador, Urco Miraño, Visto Bueno and Mâncio Lima were created. The orthomosaic for Libertad is still in progress.