The Team

Dr Dionicia Gamboa
Project PI. Molecular biologist and associate professor at the School of Science and Philosophy, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, and the Malaria Lab coordinator.
Dr Marta Moreno
Co-PI. Vector biologist and Research Associate at University of California San Diego. Current affiliation: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Dr Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar
Data manager and spatial epidemiologist and lead researcher on satellite and drone imagery to assess Ny. darlingi ecology. Lecturer at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, School of Science and Philosophy.
Kate Prussing
PhD student in Jan Conn’s lab studying the ecology and population genetics of the malaria vector Ny. darlingi in the Amazon.
Paulo Rufalco Moutinho
Collected mosquito larvae and was involved in adult mosquito collections. Paulo arranged all the field work.
Samir Kadri
Collected adult mosquitoes and conducted laboratory work, primarily working on DNA extractions, library constructions and sequencing.
Diego Peres Alonso
Organised all trips to Acre, participated on adult collections, developed methodology on mosquito genotyping and did part of the laboratory work.
Dr Jan E. Conn
Dr Jan E. Conn is a Research Scientist at the Wadsworth Center, NYSDOH, Albany, NY, and Professor in Biomedical Sciences Department at SUNY-Albany.