Research Uptake

Key Audience:
Government Ministries
This is an important period for the Ministry of Health in Peru, as they have recently released a document on malaria interventions. It is therefore an especially crucial time for the Ministry to see this research.
Plan Zero Malaria
The technical committee (composed of members Alejandro Llanos, Dionicia Gamboa, Martin Casapia, Cesar Cabezas and Keith Carter) meets regularly with the technical team from Plan Zero Malaria in Iquitos (composed of members Graciela Meza, Christiam Carey, Hugo Rodriguez and Raul Chuquiyauri).
Local communities
The researchers will meet with local health workers in the communities and in the region before the end of the year to explain the results of the study.
“Entomology,” Iquitos, 2016: This workshop took place in the city of Iquitos, close to our study sites in Peru. Government authorities, together with local university researchers, were invited to participate both as speakers and attendees. An overall summary of the project was presented, and objectives were explained in detail.
“An. darlingi Biology,” Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, March 2017: A two-day workshop focusing on malaria vectors, theory and practice, was organised in the city of Lima. Researchers from the Ministry of Health and the University, as well as students interested in learning about malaria vectors, were invited. This workshop contributed to capacity building in vector biology research.
Meetings with the Ministry of Health, October 2017: Researchers met with the Peruvian National Institute of Health in Lima on 18 October. They also met with the Public Health Laboratory-Entomology Group in Iquitos on 13 October.

Viewers in Peru
Concytec Perú and Cienciactiva TV have produced videos to raise awareness around malaria elimination in Peru: